Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Adventures in Pinterest: Mini Apple Pies

I am so annoyed with myself for taking forever to get these up on the blog, mostly because they were such hits that I wanted to brag right away!  But scheduling posts tends to lead to a delay between real life and blog recap, so here we are almost two months after I made these adorable guys, finally seeing them on Stress Case in all their glory!
My Pinspiration:

My Version:
I don't actually even like apple pie, but I had to try these out since it is a fave of Hat Dad's, and I made these for this birthday!  I'll direct you over to Stock Piling Moms for the full recipe and instructions, as I followed them to the tee and they turned out wonderfully!

I used a tumblr I had lying around (shout out to our wedding photographer, D2 Photography!) to cut out the perfect size mini pie crusts!  It didn't fully cut the shape out, so I used a paring knife to cut around the shape.

I was quite liberal with the pat of butter atop each pie.

What I didn't photograph was cutting out the inidivual shapes to go on the pies.  I used the above paring knife and just freehanded each letter and the hearts.  I did Daddy because I am five years old it was his special day, and I wanted it to be personalized!  I did hearts on some, and even left some naked!

These were such a hit with the fam, I can't wait for another occasion to make some mini pies!


  1. I love apple pie and I love it even more when its fresh apples picked from the orchard in the warm weather. These look adorable!

  2. Those look delicious! AND precious!!!!

  3. These are SO CUTE!! Love love love :)

  4. I made these with my daycare kids last fall! Or something similar ;-)

    But, these ones are totally cute with your "DADDY" and hearts!


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