What's up with Baby this week? Baby is about six inches long, and eight ounces in weight! She is also growing vernix this week, a cheesy varnish to keep her skin from getting all wrinkly from floating around in fluid for 9 months!
Symptoms? Heartburn is back, and it's worse than before! Also, near the end of my vacation, I started experiencing some round ligament pains again, which I think may be from so much walking around and much less rest than usual.
Gender? A sweet baby girl!
Excited For? Working more on the nursery, and our upcoming anatomy scan!
Maternity Clothes? All regular scrubs at work, and 50/50 at home. My looser tops are still working, and even some of my tigher ones, but that may be coming to an end shortly.
Sleep? Slept horribly on vacation, but now that I'm back in bed with my Handsome Husband (and my Snoogle), I'm all good!
Movement? Still not entirely sure, I really want to feel her moving around in there!
Belly Button Status? In!
Missing Anything? I was really wishing we could go for an awesome sushi dinner while on vacay in Seattle, and some glasses of wine wouldn't have hurt either!
18w First stranger asked me how far along I was!
18w Baby's first (in utero) plane ride
18w5d Handsome Husband (Hot Dad?) finished painting little one's nursery!
18w First stranger asked me how far along I was!
18w Baby's first (in utero) plane ride
18w5d Handsome Husband (Hot Dad?) finished painting little one's nursery!
Cravings? Just the sushi!
Weight Gain? Haven't stepped on a scale since doctor's appointment two weeks ago, where I was up about 3 pounds.
Linking up with Busy Bee for Baby Talk.
You look fabulous! COngrats on the sweet baby girl...there's nothing better:)