Thursday, September 12, 2013

New Years Baby: Week 23


What's up with Baby this week? Baby girl weighs over a pound and a half now, and she measures eight and a half inches from her teeny head to her cute little booty.  Her face is almost fully formed, so if we had a way to look in, we could see if she's looking like Mom or Dad!

Symptoms? More back pain, and feeling super tired this week!

Gender? Girlfriend.

Excited For? Finally working on another nursery project (okay, I bought the supplies and that's it so far, but it's a start!).

Maternity Clothes? Desperately.  Seeking.  Cute.  Maternity.  Clothes.

Sleep? Pretty good, just needing lots of it!

Movement? I feel her all the time now, and it is the most wonderful thing.  I feel so blessed to be able to experience this!

Belly Button Status? In!

Missing Anything? Sushi, especially spicy tuna.


Cravings? Ice cream.

Weight Gain? 7 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight, as of my last doctor's appointment.  I have another appointment next week, so we'll see where we're at then.

My how I've grown!


Note to self: Take pictures with the "13-week" angle, far more flattering!


  1. Loving your bump! I've heard tat Old Navy, and have cute maternity clothes!

  2. Can't wait to see the project you're working on :)

  3. So happy for you! You are a beautiful pregnant mommy

  4. You look fabulous! I always had good luck with Old Navy maternity stuff!

  5. I think you look great in both pics! Congrats!


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