Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Years Baby: Week 25

What's up with Baby this week? Baby girl weighs a full two pounds, and is 9+ inches from crown to booty!  Her eyes are starting to open for the first time this week.

Symptoms? Lots of nerve pain in my right hip, butt cheek, and down the leg.  Worse when sitting on a squishy surface (like a couch or bed, go figure), but the other day it was a pain even when walking!

Gender? Baby girl.

Excited For? September being almost over!  This was the month I thought was going to go by so slow, but to my surprise, it has flown like the rest of the months seem to!  October brings some cooler weather (hopefully!), my first baby shower, and some Halloween fun!

Maternity Clothes? Same as last week - non-maternity scrubs, mostly maternity outside of work.  I'll be rocking a non-maternity gown at a black-tie event this weekend, and for that?  I'm proud!

Sleep? Going pretty well, still.  Hoping my sleepthroughanything habits last the entire time!

Movement? Feeling her all the time.  Last weekend I had a lot of anxiety because she was barely moving all weekend.  To be honest, I even asked a friend to ask his OBGYN Dad if I should be worried (Dr. R, if by some chance you ever happen upon this blog - thank you for your kindness and consideration in answering my hormonal question!!).  There was no reason to fear, because she is back to dancing all day.

Belly Button Status? In, but getting shallow.

Missing Anything? My clothes.


25w1d Baby girl attends her second concert in-utero, this time she got to groove to Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy!

25w3d We tested the theory that our little lady's eyes are opening in there by shining a flashlight on my belly.  What do you know, she kicked me right away in response!  It's so fun to play a little game with her!
Cravings? I needed some Chinese food this week - and not just any Chinese.  HH's least favorite.  Guess he loves me more than he hates the food though, cause he was a doll and went and bought me those rice noodles I was craving!

Weight Gain? My doctor says up 14 pounds. I'm skeptical. And terrified.

My how I've grown!

1 comment:

  1. 14 lbs doesn't seem like too much - my SIL gained 65 her first one and was in pre-eclampsia due to that and other things. Just don't go to buffets and pig out like she did ;)


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