Thursday, December 15, 2011

Things Thursday: Things I Don't Want for Christmas

1. Coal.

2. Family drama.

3. A wine opener - inside joke with the Hubs who got me a wine opener for my 21st birthday, when I never drank wine (it does come in handy now, though!).

4. An oops baby.

5. Homework.

6. Bad news.

7. 10 pounds.

8. Car troubles.

9. Attitude.

10. A cold.


  1. Great list! I might have to do one of my own. And I hope you get everything you DO want for Christmas. Have a great day!

  2. LOL... I busted out laughing at "oops baby"!

    I love this list and think I will copy you :)

    XO Lourdes

  3. Hi, I am your new follower via Mingle with Us (Blog Hop).

  4. A cold! Yes!!! I have been freaking out that I'm gonna be sick for my birthday and Christmas! So far so good though!

  5. Well I would certainly not want my period during the holiday!
    (for girls)


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