Sunday, January 8, 2012

Grateful Sundays

This week, I am grateful for a small but mighty little group of friends that (kind of embarassingly) refers to themselves as The Taco Tuesday Club.

We had our first annual TTC (short for the Taco Tuesday Club, of course) Secret Santa Gift Exchange last night, and it just reminded me how much I adore these people!  I have known the great majority of them for years but only recently have we formed this little clan of people who can bond over tacos, margaritas, beer, and laughs.

From L-R: Twin Beauty School, Kindergarten Teacher, Twin Unicorn holding her presents sitting with  Ms. Smiles and Drummer Boy, and Cute Apartment 

Clockwise from upper L: Kindergarten Teacher and my Handsome Husband get ready to play Just Dance!, Twin Beauty School very focused on the football game while Kindergarten Teacher and The Bouncer chat, my tasty vodka cranberry cocktail, HH chatting with Cute Apartment while Twin Beauty School tries to ignore them


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