Wednesday, October 23, 2013

But I'm Too Tired to Nest

I've been having that nesting feeling since about Week 20 of pregnancy.  You know - feeling like I want to clean everything up, get everything organized, get prepared.  But it doesn't end at baby related projects.  It spans across everything.  Like being really eager to do filing at work that I haven't done in weeks months.  And really itching to replace all the photographs in my home with updated ones.  And being so sick and tired of the crap covering the floor of my closet that I might just scream.

So I'm nesting.
And, at work, when I have time (which is very few and far between) I have been a rockstar.  Reorganizing cabinets.  Typing up lists to serve as me for my leave.  Filing.  I'm a labeling machine.
And then I get home.
And then all I want to do is sit on my couch, or lie in my bed.  Which leads to me feeling guilty about not checking things off my very ambitious to-do list.  Which results in me being lazy, and feeling bad about it.
I want to clean my house, I want my damn fall decorations up already, I want to go out and buy decorations for Baby M's nursery, I want to do all the things!
But I'm too tired to nest.
I hate to pull the nurse card, but I do think working on my feet for about 60% of my work day contributes to my extra exhaustion.  And though I'm not chaning my plans for now, I can sort of understand why many people (coworkers and my OB included) suggested I stop working a full month before my little cutie is scheduled to arrive.  Because when you're working like a dog, and you're growing a human, where the hell are you supposed to find the time (read: energy) to clean your closet?


Julie said...

My friend is going to the doctor today because both him and her hubby think she's overdoing it and they don't want anything to happen. She's due in January. She's predicting she'll be put on bedrest a month before baby is here, which will be hard for her.

Take your time, do what you can/want, your body will tell you :)

LWLH said...

I've had the same feelings. I work on my feet and do physical labor for 10 hours a day/4 days a week and it's starting to catch up with me a bit. I want to try to work up until January but I'm not going to push myself

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