They are just as strong as sounds (maybe more so?), right? You catch a whiff of a certain cologne and smack! you're back in the moment getting your first kiss from your husband. Smell a specific brand of sunscreen, and boom! you're immediately transported to that summer you spent 80% of your life at the beach.
I have two smells that immediately take me back to the summers I spent weeks in Delware visiting family.
Skin So Soft Bath Oil
Babysoft Perfume
Skin So Soft was my preferred method of insect repellant, because I never could stand a. misquitoes and b. the smell of regular insect repellant. I always used it right at the end of a shower, and the smell really stays on your body. I recently bought a new bottle to use just because and it is so overwhelming the way I can remember exactly how I was feeling at the age of twleve, thirteen, fourteen during those summers the moment I unscrew the lid on the oil.
The Babysoft perfume was a gift that I received while on the East Coast one summer, and I adored it. I got it when I was a big too young to be wearing regular perfume, but this was it for me for a few years. Loved the sweet soft smell of baby powder. I would seriously considering wearing this as an adult if I wasn't afraid everyone would just think I smell like babies because I work with them.
What smells immediately bring you back?
Oh my gosh, I forgot about Skin So Soft. That stuff smells like summer in a bottle. My roommate and I spent saturday on our deck, and I broke out the sunscreen for the first time this season and it brought me right back to summers on the gulf coast. it's funny how scents can do that.
I was obsessed with Baby Soft as a kid. To be honest, I still have a small bottle for when I'm feeling nostalgic.
I totally LOVED Baby Soft when I was younger!!!!
Love love love
Xo Lourdes
Skin So Soft was always what we used at the river when we were kids, too! :)
We (all my cousins and I) got the Love's Babysoft gift set for christmas one year, right before we went on a car trip to Colorado. Whenever I smell it, it always takes me back to laying on a mattress in the back of our old SUV, giggling with all my cousins.
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