I couldn't help but link-up with the 411 on me and my life for a few reasons:
1. Love me a good link-up.
2. Love me some Becky, Elliana, and Baby Teddy Graham.
3. Can't wait to get to know some other fabulous bloggers!
So, Becky supplied us with some questions that we can answer to allow y'all to get to know us! Here goes!
1. How long have you been blogging? What got you started on blogging? How has your blog changed?
I started blogging in March of last year, and my first ever blog post (A Letter to Myself 10 Years From Now) was published on March 27, 2011! I got started blogging because I was really enjoying reading blogs from other ladies, and thought it looked like so much fun! I always love that I can look back on it and see exactly what was going on in my chaotic life, and remember the thoughts that ran through my jumbled head. I don't know that my blog has changed all that much - maybe a few less link-ups than at the beginning, but the content seems about the same to me. One thing that has changed a lot? How I blog. I never used to schedule posts or write in advance, and now I simply have to. I guess that's what working full-time will do to a girl!
2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?
I am still in college, believe it or not! I like the call myself the never-ending college student, as it feels like that sometimes. I initially went to community college for business, and the plan was to transfer to a university for a bachelor's in Marketing or Public Relations. But then, life threw me a curve ball in the form of a super drunk girl at a party who I rushed to the hospital, which made me reevaluate my entire career. The party as in May 2009, and in August 2009 I started nursing school. I graduated in late 2010, and am in the process of furthering my nursing education. You can read a little more about that HERE.
3. Where have you traveled?
I have seen lots of the United States - mostly on the coasts, though, haven't spent too much time in the "fly over states" but I've got lofty goals to visit them some day. As far as international travel? I went to Cancun with my best friend and family the summer after I graduated high school, and St. Lucia on my honeymoon last February!
4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
100% the first thing I would buy would be land. Land in my dream neighborhood here in good old Orange County to build my dream home on, and land somewhere in North San Diego County to build the compound my Gardening Mama dreams of.
5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?
This one is a tough-y. Not because I am so laid back (my entire circle of friends and family can confirm that one for you), but because I am annoyed by a lot of little things. But 3 pet peeves? 1. People who flake on plans, 2. When my husband claps loud for no apparent reason, mind you, and 3. Having to wait for my Hubster to be ready to go somewhere when I am all ready to go.
6. What is your favorite movie?
All time favorite movie? A Lot Like Love, I don't know why but I have always adored it.
7. What is your drink of choice: wine, beer or liquor? Or water, soda, tea?
I have to pick one? How about my favorite of each?
Wine - White Zinfandel all day, but I'll drink any kind of white.
Beer - Bud Light, Lime for Becky, regular for me!
Liquor - Vodka is just about the only hard liquor I drink, with energy drinks and cranberry juice on the rocks!
I also have an inappropriate love for Coca Cola, which I so wish I didn't.
8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?
Let's see. I love crafts, but haven't had the time or space to do them much in our current living with my parents situation. Truthfully, when you do have me time, which isn't too often, I most often spend it ass parked on the couch watching Real Housewives or some other trashy reality television show.
9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?
I'm going to be practical here and say Target it is. Why? You can get so many things there! Super cute clothes, shoes and accessories; toiletries and makeup; electronics, movies and gadgets; stuff for the home - it would be fantastic to have $10,000 to use on just about anything you wanted!
10. Share with as an embarassing moment of your past or present?
I've shared a few here on the blog over the past year and a half:
There was the time I spilled potent cleaning product all over myself at work in front of a patient's family;
the one where I fell of my husband's shoulders while getting a piggyback ride, ending up with in the ER with a black eye;
the time where I spelled my own last name wrong, with photographic evidence;
I once got tricked into driving a cop car;
and most recently? We missed our flight, just completely had the time wrong in my head.
11. What day would you love to relive again?
Hands down, without a doubt, our wedding day. It was the most fun, love-filled, exciting, fabulous day of my entire life, and I would love get to relive it. (I totally flaked out [pet-peeving myself!] on finishing my wedding recaps, but you can see some photos of our wedding day HERE.)
12. If your life was turned into a movie...what actor would play you?
I don't know how you answer this without maybe sounding a little full of one's self, so I'm just going to share my top three most favorite brunette actresses who I would love to date have play me in the movie of my life, though I certainly don't think I am lucky enough to look like these hotties!
1. Lucy Hale
2. Jennifer Love Hewitt
3. Minka Kelly
13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
What a fun question - I haven't talked too much about this on the blog before!
I had a few jobs in high school, my first ever being Claire's, you know the place in the mall always packed with pre-teens getting their ears pierced and finding cheap rhinestoned jewelry for the latest junior high dance.
After that, I worked at Pottery Barn Kids for about a year, which I loved. I got to see kids every single day, and help women decorate their children's rooms and new baby's nurseries.
After PBK (super cool lingo for those who worked their), I worked as hostess and then a waitress at a place that will always hold a special place in my heart: Ruby's Diner.
14. Show us a picture from high school or college.
I wrote an entire post all about what life was like (with tons of pictures) when I was 18. You can check it out HERE, but here is a sneak peak:
Senior Prom.
15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you?
Without a doubt, French Polynesia. Stole that little obsession from some girlfriends over a girls weekend who raved about how amazing it looked there. And they are right, it's my number one dream vacay spot now.
16. Show us the most current picture of you or you and your family.
The most recent photo of me and my crew is from our trip to Disneyworld, and we've got my whole family minus Gardening Mom and Hat Dad!
L-R: Sister Singer, my Handsome Husband, Me, and Sister Swimmer
You can see even more photos from our trip to Disneyworld in the first of my recaps from the trip HERE!
17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?
Super fun question!
5 Years From Now...
I'd like to still be laughing my booty off at my sweet Handsome Husband.
I'd like to have at least one little mini me waltzing around in a tutu (I guess a mini HH would be cute too).
I'd like to own a home and if I'm not something has gone seriously wrong somewhere.
I would love to still be working for the same company, but in an RN position.
I would love for my Handsome Husband to have finished school, and completed his lifelong dream of becoming a lawyer.
I would like to be even happier than I am now if it's possible.
What's the 411 on you?
I love this post! You and your husband are too cute and I'm hopefully about to start the nursing school process (basics and all) in August.
Found you through the link-up and now I'm following!
Have a great week:))
Such a fun link up :) Love Lucy Hale too!
Hi, I found your blog through the link-up (of course) and decided to check it out! First, let me congratulate you on becoming an LVN. Secondly, don't become discouraged! I too am 24 and still in college. Just remember why you're there and what you're working towards. Here's an early congrats to becoming an RN! Good luck :)
So glad I found your blog thru the link up! Your blog is super cute and I love your header. I love your pet peeves, I did 3 as well, I couldnt help myself and yes one included my husband as well.
Never ending college student! LOVE IT. And love YOUUUU! P.S. Lucy Hale is freaking GORGEOUS! good pick!
thanks for linking up friend!! :)
Love your blog...and blog title. Thanks for visiting and happy to follow back!
Found you through the link up and am your newest follower! I just graduated with my RN and just got married. Can't wait to continue getting to know you through your blog!
I LOVE A Lot Like Love... one of my all time favorites :)
Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog! I also am unfortunately obsessed with Coke (a large fountain one from Mcdonalds to be specific!)
-Ashley Rimini
I have so many pet peeves as well! Have you ever heard of the song "This is the Stuff" by Francesca Battistelli? It sums up "one of those days." I dislike flakey people too. Maybe it's because I'm so anal retentive. Hehe.
Cute blog!
Stopping in from 411 link-up :)
♥ Elise
Haha! I had to laugh out loud at your husband's clapping for no reason. Why do our guys do such strange things? I am definitely with you on the dream vacation spot and Target! Great minds think alike!
OMG people who flake on plans?? Ugh. Special place in hell for them.
Your blog is adorable!! i love it. new follower! XOXO! Lindsy!
Here's my 411 - http://www.dontknowhowtorelax.com/2012/07/blogger-411.html
never ending college student love it! Love the recent pic of ya'll at one of my fav places ever Disney love Disney! You are so adorable! new follower can't wait to read more
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