Sunday, August 28, 2011

Grateful Sundays

This week, I am grateful for my laundry-lovin' Handsome Husband.

I am obviously grateful for HH every week, but this week I want to take a moment and give him some major credit where major credit is due.

While I don't quite believe that he loves doing laundry, he certainly does it a lot.

I loathe doing laundry, and this is such a sexy trait for my man to have.  He does all of our laundry (every once in a while I step up and do a load, but it's few and far between), including washing, drying, and folding and putting away the clothes (the absolute worst part, no?).

Thank you HH, for always making sure I have clean clothes and don't have to wear the same dirty nasty ones over and over again (or have to do my own laundry, which is out of the question, obvi) and for rarely never complaining about it!  You're the best, babe!

Mandatory cute photo of my man.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww, what a great guy :)

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